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Goal Setting

As I sit here reflecting on the past 5 years of running EPF, it’s so easy to take for granted the journey sometimes. The reality is, as with any business, it hasn’t been easy but remains my passion to see people empowered and equipped for a positive future.  


When I think about each year and what I have achieved, what I didn’t achieve that I perhaps wanted to and the things I did achieve, that wasn’t in the plan, I am grateful for every opportunity I am presented with and for another year to grow. Recently, I have completed my NLP practitioners diploma to add to my coaching tool box. Learning for anyone should be a constant in our life and should absolutely be a regular goal for us.


Lots of people recognised that the time we were given during lockdown was a time of When I look back to 2021, that year was a challenge for all of us. During lockdown, we all had the opportunity to reflect but also to do something different - something new. Many of us learned new skills and realised talents and gifts we would never have recognised before. You may be reading this thinking 2024 isn’t looking good and it feels very similar to previous years. However, that doesn’t stop us changing our mindset. Can we have an even better mindset than the previous years? I believe we can. So, at the half way point in 2024 what are you going achieve? Well, one way is to reflect but also to set myself some goals, challenges and targets to aim for in the next 12 months.


Goal setting should never just be a formality, for me it’s an exciting journey of discovery and pushing myself to see and realise what I can achieve. When I set my goals, I often look within myself first and recognise my internal resourcefulness which then helps me realise what I have and how much more I can give.

Recognising our skills and achievements is key when setting new goals.


Here’s a few tips I have picked up and often use that may help you in your goal setting Goal setting…


1.     Goals should be exciting, fun – something to look forward to not to dread. Never make a goal an onerous task otherwise you will never have the drive and motivation to achieve, instead, have the mindset that you want to achieve because you want grow and develop.

2.     Goals should be outcome focussed. If a goal does not set out an outcome it’s not a goal. Have the question in mind: What do I want the outcome to be? They should be positive outcomes and not negative.

3.     Set yourself a timescale. Make sure you have a period of time by when you want to achieve the goal and realise the outcome.

4.     Think about who can help you achieve and where will this lead you i.e. what other opportunities might present themselves as a result of your achievements?

5.     Be realistic! Think about your current reality, what do you need to achieve the goal and what your will power / drive might be. Knowing yourself is key, I know If I wanted to climb Everest, there would have to be major changes in my life. Are they a possibility, will I actually be able to make those changes in the current climate and season? The reality is that will not happen, therefore to goal isn’t realistic.


Lastly, goal setting isn’t just for the workplace. Some of my best achievements have been outside of my work and career. Think about your family life, leisure and recreation, your own wellbeing. Make time for you this year and see what you will achieve!


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